The LOMO Germanium circuit has now been fully converted into a full-on Overdrive/Fuzz pedal. A NFB circuit has been applied for level control (“F/B”) and a proper fuzz/saturation control (“Gain”) has been added so that it can be FUZZED out. With boatloads of raw volume on deck, these will push any amp hard.
Equally suited for guitar & bass. I can only imagine the sounds you pedal-junkies are going to get running this before or after your other fuzzes and distortions. Massive -24V headroom. Power Supply included, as always.
The LOMO Germanium pedal is undergoing a new revision. Sign up for the newsletter for updates on when the next batch is available with up-to-date demos.
coming soon
A multi-channel BOOST pedal, utilizing discrete gain stages from the beloved PM1000 console
A small run of hand-built Germanium FUZZ FACE Clones